Village of Hinckley

Proud Past, Bright Future

Utility Bill

The Village of Hinckley sends out Utility Bills quarterly (January, April, July, and October). The payment due date is 3-4 weeks later, giving residents and business owners ample time to pay in a timely fashion.  Past due bills are subject to a 5% late fee. 

There is a minimum charge to each user at each separately metered location within the Village of one unit (1000 gallons) per quarter, along with the Debt Service Fee. 

The water, sewer, and capital improvements increase annually. The increases are typically first reflected in the July billing cycle (1st billing cycle of the fiscal year).

Please refer to the Hinckley Village Code if you wish to research water rates.


Paying Your Bill

The Village of Hinckley accepts cash, checks, money orders, and cashiers checks as utility bill payments. You can pay in person, by mail, online, or drop it in the drop-box found at the Village Office. If paying in person, by mail, or drop-box, please follow steps 4-6 below.


  1. Account Number – Uniquely identifies all separate metered locations throughout the Village of Hinckley.
  2. Usage – Displays how many gallons of water (in thousands) were used throughout the quarter.
  3. Total Due – The total amount of the bill and the date that payment is required.
  4. Payment Stub – This portion (ONLY) is to be detached and returned with the bill, this information helps village employees to promptly apply the payment to the correct account.
  5. Amount Paid – Please indicate the amount of the payment that is to be applied to your account.
  6. Keep the bottom portion of the bill for your records.


Sump Pumps and Sanitary Lines

Many residents may not be aware that one of the major costs of operations at the Village is the processing of sanitary wastewater. Interestingly, the Village actually processes more wastewater than the potable water we produce! This means water from other places is infiltrating the Village systems. One of the most common ways that this occurs is when residents hook up their sump pumps to the Village sanitary systems. Sump pump water does not need to be treated and should not go through the wastewater treatment system. In fact, it is ILLEGAL to hook your sump pump into the sanitary system and has been since, at least, 1987.

In an effort to reduce unnecessary and expensive treatment of water, the Village will be contacting residents and businesses that have sump pump connections into the sanitary systems and require that these be disconnected. Village staff will explain alternate methods of dealing with sump pump discharges. If you own one of these homes or businesses, we urge you now, to begin to change over your system. Please contact the Public Works Supervisor at 815-286-3285 for any questions on how to do this. Any sump pump systems still connected will be required to be taken off the wastewater system. As always, the Village appreciates everyone’s efforts to control costs (that we all must otherwise absorb).


Additional Information

The Village of Hinckley has available upon request, Consumer Confidence Reports (CCR), at the village hall or you can print out a copy online. You can find the most current CCR online here.

If you experience a water quality issue please contact Dale Youngers from TEST INC. at 815-286-7085.